Kathleen M. Ryan, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Oral history, visual communication, women’s history, narrative & identity, immersive documentary, social media, subcultural studies
University of Oregon, School of Journalism and Communication. Eugene, OR — Ph.D., Communication and Society, 2008.
University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA. — M.A., Broadcast Journalism, 1987.
University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA — B.A., Political Science, 1983.
Harvard University Cambridge, MA — Political Science & Studio Art courses, 1983.
Associate Professor; Journalism Department; College of Media, Communication, and Information; University of Colorado: Boulder, CO. 2010-present.
Associate Professor, Miami University, Oxford, OH. 2008- 2010.
Graduate Teaching Fellow, University of Oregon Eugene, OR. 2005-2008.
Producer/Writer/Reporter, Freelance. 1987-present.
Senior Producer, Fox NewsChannel: New York, NY. 1996-1999.
Producer, WNBC-TV: New York, NY. 1995-1996.
Producer, WFSB-TV, Hartford, CT. 199-1995).
Producer, KOAT-TV, Albuquerque, NM. 1992-1994.
Anchor/Reporter, KKOB-AM, Albuquerque, NM. 1991-1992.
Reporter/Producer/Anchor, KGGM-TV, Albuquerque, NM. 1989-1991.
Anchor/Reporter, KIEM-TV, Eureka, CA. 1989.
Anchor/Reporter KTGF-TV, Great Falls, MT. 1988-1989.
Selected Publications
Research and Creative Work
Heisten, Mark, Ryan, Kathleen M. and Staton, David. Living in the Simulacra: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Baudrillard. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press (scheduled 2026).
Ryan, Kathleen M. and Staton, David, co-editors. (2022). Interactive Documentary: Decolonizing Practice-Based Research. New York: Routledge.
Ryan, Kathleen M. (2020). Pin Up! The Subculture: Negotiating Agency, Representation, and Sexuality With Vintage Style. New York: Peter Lang.
Ryan, Kathleen M., Springer, Noah Jerome, Macey, Deborah A. and Erickson, Mary P., co-editors. (2016). Friends, Lovers, Co-Workers and Community: Everything I Know About Relationships I Learned from Television (Lexington Studies in Storytelling). New York: Lexington Books.
Macey, Deborah A.; Springer, Noah Jerome; and Ryan, Kathleen M. co-editors. (2014). How Television Shapes our Worldview: Media Representations of Social Trends and Change. New York: Lexington Books. Paperback release 2016.
Ryan, Kathleen M. and Macey, Deborah A., co-editors (2013). Television and the Self: Knowledge, Identity, and Media Representation. New York: Lexington Books. Paperback release 2015.
Refereed Journal Articles
Ryan, Kathleen M. (2020). “‘That’s Not You.’ Reclaiming the ‘Real’ in Rosie the Riveter Re-appropriations.” MAST: The Journal of Media Art Study and Theory Volume 2, Number 1 (Special Issue “Total Screen: Why Baudrillard, Once Again?”), 172-180. Available online: https://www.mast-journal.org/vol-2-no-1-2021.
Ryan, Kathleen M. (2018) “Vertical Video: Rupturing the Aesthetic Paradigm.” Visual Communication 17-2, 245-261.
Ryan, Kathleen M.; Skewes, Elizabeth A.; and Clark, Pat. (2018) “Negotiating Oral History, Interactive Storytelling and Environmentalism in the Bakken Formation.” Rough Draft 2-5. Available online: https://roughdraft.review/negotiating-oral-history-interactive-storytelling-and-environmentalism-in-the-bakken-formation-9143bb724ebc.
Ryan, Kathleen M. (2015) “Beyond Thick Dialogue: Oral History and the ‘Thickening’ of Multimedia Storytelling.” Visual Communication Quarterly 22-2 (Spring), 85-93.
Ryan, Kathleen M. (2014) “Military Life: Coordinating WWII Magazine Publicity by the U.S. Naval Women’s Reserve.” Journalism History 40:4 (Winter), 227-238.
Ryan, Kathleen M. (2014) “Uniform Matters: Fashion Design in World War II Women’s Recruitment.” The Journal of American Culture 34-4, 419-429.
Ryan, Kathleen M. (2012). “Augmenting the Voice of Oral History: One Step Beyond the Screen and Web.” Words and Silences: The Journal of the International Oral History Association 6:2 (December), 12-22. Available online: http://wordsandsilences.org/index.php/ws/article/view/62.
Ryan, Kathleen M. (2012) “‘Don’t Miss Your Great Opportunity’: Patriotism and Propaganda in World War II Recruitment Posters.” Visual Studies 27-3, 248-261 .
Ryan, Kathleen M. (2011). “Touching the Past (Virtually).” In Media Res (Theme Week: Interactive Documentaries). September 16. Available online: http://mediacommons.futureofthebook.org/imr/2011/09/08/touching-past-virtually.
Ryan, Kathleen M. (2010) “Beyond Kinship: Constructing Family Through Military Service.” Oral History Forum d’histoire Orale (Special Issue: Remembering Family, Analyzing Home: Oral History and the Family). Available online: http://journal.canoha.ca/index.php/ohf/issue/view/10.
Ryan, Kathleen M. and Mapaye, Joy Chavez. (2010). “Beyond ‘Anchorman.’ A Comparative Analysis of Race, Gender and Correspondent Roles in Network News.” Electronic News June: 4, 97-117.
Ryan, Kathleen M. (2009). “‘I Didn’t Do Anything Important’: A Pragmatist Analysis of the Oral History Interview.” Oral History Review (Spring), 25-44.
Ryan, Kathleen M. (2009) “The Performative Journalist: Strategies of Freelance Workers in American Television News.” Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism 10:5, 645-664.
Ryan, Kathleen M. (2007). “Transparent and mysterious: On Collecting, the Photograph, and Tomio Seike.” Journal for Cultural Research 11:4, 285-303.
Series Editor
Ryan, Kathleen M. And Macey, Deborah A., series editors. Lexington Studies in Communication and Storytelling. Books in series include:
- Napierski-Prancl, Michelle; Macey, Deborah A.; and Staton, David editors. Storytelling in a Time of COVID (working title). Under contract, expected publication 2022.
- Johnson, Patrick. The Digital Closet (2020).
- Napierski-Prancl, Michelle. Mothers Work (2019).
- Ju, Hyehung. Transnational Television from the East: Cultural Storytelling and Digital Audiences (2018).
Creative Work
Pin Up! The Movie: An Interactive Documentary. (2021). TaylorCatProductions. Director and executive producer. Interactive documentary (~90 minutes of content).
Ghost Resort (2021). TaylorCatProductions. Producer and videographer. Documentary short (9 minutes).
Pin Up! The Movie. (2015/2020). TaylorCatProductions. Director and executive producer. Feature-length documentary (92 minutes).
Homefront Heroines: The WAVES of World War II. (2013/2015/2020). TaylorCatProductions. Director and executive producer of interactive documentary, including feature-length documentary (56 minutes) and website (www.homefrontheroines.com).
Girls Like That. (2018). TaylorCatProductions. Director and producer of original music video.
Metal Road (2017). Trickster Films. Supervising Producer, Digital Media for PBS-contracted documentary film.
Quaff Kings. (2017). Angel Bot Productions and TaylorCatProductions. Executive producer of feature-length documentary film.
Backstretch. (2007). TaylorCatProductions. Director and producer of feature-length documentary film (60 minutes).
Refereed Book Chapters
Ryan, Kathleen M. (in press). “Silencing the Tongues of Angels? The Aesthetics of Destruction in Environmental Edens.” Media and Religion: The Global View. Nabil Echchaibi and Stewart Hoover, editors. Berlin: De Gruyter (invited).
Ryan, Kathleen M. (2020). “The Myth of the American Landscape: Photography and the Semiotics of Nature.” Handbook of Visual Communication, 2nd Edition. Sheree Josephson and James D. Kelly, editors. New York: Routledge.
Ryan, Kathleen M. and Staton, David (2020). “Oral History, Visual Ethnography, and Interactive Documentary.” The Routledge International Handbook of Ethnographic Film and Video. Phillip Vannini, editor. New York: Routledge (invited), 95-105.
Ryan, Kathleen M., McLaughlin, Lisa M. and Sholle, David. (2014). “Cultural Forms of TV: News and Public Affairs.” Handbook of Television Studies. Toby Miller, Manuel Alvarado, Milly Buonanno, and Herman Gray, editors. London, Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 269-286 (invited).
Ryan, Kathleen M. (2011) “From Propaganda to the Personal: WAVES, Memory, and the ‘Prick’ of the Photograph.” Oral History and Photography. Alexander Freund and Alistair Thomson, editors. New York: Palgrave-MacMillan, 133-148
Refereed Conference Proceeding
Ryan, Kathleen M. and Skewes, Elizabeth. (2020) “The Interactive Mutation: Storytelling in the Age of Mixed Reality.” In Proceedings for 2019 World Journalism Education Congress. Paris, France: Paris-Dauphine/World Journalism Education Congress.
Ryan, Kathleen M. (2018) “The Machine, The Garden, and the Wilderness: Historical Images of Redemption in America.” In The Image of Redemption in Literature, Media, and Society: 2018 SASSI Conference Proceedings, Thomas G. Endres, ed. Society for the Academic Study of Social Imagery.
Ryan, Kathleen M. (2017). “Rebirthing Environmental Religion: Photography, the Landscape, and the Construction of Nature.” In The Image of Rebirth in Literature, Media, and Society: 2017 SASSI Conference Proceedings, Thomas G. Endres, ed. Society for the Academic Study of Social Imagery, 55-64.
Non-Refereed Book Chapters
Staton, David and Ryan, Kathleen. (2016) “All I Want for Christmas is You: ’Tis the Season for Holiday Romance,” In Friends, Co-Workers, Lovers, Community: Everything I Know About Relationships I Learned from Television. Ryan, Kathleen M., Springer, Noah Jerome, and Macey, Deborah A., co-editors. New York: Lexington Books, 13-32.
Ryan, Kathleen M., Clegg, Lane and Mapaye, Joy Chavez. (2014) “Measuring the Messenger: Analyzing Bias in Presidential Election Return Coverage.” In How Television Shapes our Worldview: Media Representations of Social Trends and Change. Deborah A. Macey, Noah Jerome Springer, and Kathleen M. Ryan, editors. New York: Lexington Books, 27-46.
Ryan, Kathleen M. (2011). “The Modern Woman: Changes and Challenges” (section overview), “News, Television,” “Barbara Walters,” and “Rosie the Riveter.” Encyclopedia of Women and American Popular Culture. Gina Misiroglu, editor. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
Ryan, Kathleen M. (2009). “Fashion.” Encyclopedia of American Counterculture. Gina Misiroglu, editor. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
Ryan, Kathleen M. (2008). “Temporary Resistance: Strategies of Freelance Workers in American Television Network News.” Business of Entertainment, Television. Robert C. Sickels, editor. Westport, CT: Praeger Press.
Honors and Awards
Grants and Funding Initiatives
2022 Mission Zero Grant. Provides funds for developing and testing interactive storytelling about environmental issues for the project Landscape Stories ($5,000).
2021 DeCastro Research Grant. Provides funds for book editing support and to develop a Zoom Symposia Series and website on the topic “Interactive Documentary: Decolonizing Practice-Based Research.” ($5,000).
2017-2019 NEH-Mellon Fellowship for Digital Publication. Provides funds to update Homefront Heroines website to incorporate 50+ oral history and scholarly interviews as well as photographs and archival films not currently found in the website. The update would time for publication to coincide with the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II. ($50,400).
2017-2018 Charlton Oral History Research Grant, Baylor University. Includes processing and archiving of oral history interviews for the women & environment project and travel funding to conduct oral history interviews for the project. ($3,000).
2017-2018 NAB Pilot Grant. Provides funds to interview and produce stories on multiple female landscape photographers working in Pennsylvania and North Dakota and whose work focuses on oil and gas extraction. The project develops protocols to test the efficacy of documentary storytelling in a variety of formats (virtual reality, augmented reality, strait storytelling) to elicit understanding and appreciation of narratives about the environment. Co-investigation with Associate Professor Liz Skewes and Instructor Pat Clark. ($15,000).
2017 Miami University Humanities Center NEH Collaborative Research Grant. Co-principal investigator with Leighton C. Peterson. Grant used for developing interactive web documentary for the Metal Road PBS documentary. ($10,000).
2016 Seed&Spark Campaign. Successfully used crowdsource funding platform to raise post-production funds and services for Pin Up! The Movie. Project was funded at 101% of goal (Seed&Spark only funds if 80% of goal is reached; approximately 40-45% of projects are funded). Raised $25,473 in cash and services and garnered 665 followers. Part of Untold Story Crowdfunding Challenge and qualified for distribution and other perks due to project’s success.
2015 Kickstarter Campaign: Successfully used crowdsource funding platform to raise post-production funds for Pin Up! The Movie. Project was funded at 114% of goal (Kickstarter only funds if goal is reached; approximately 40-45% of projects are funded). Raised $13,728.
2011 Kickstarter Campaign. Successfully used crowdsource funding platform to raise production funds for Homefront Heroines. Project was funded at 120% of goal (Kickstarter only funds if goal is reached; approximately 40-45% of projects are funded). Raised $8,425.
2010-2011 Martha Balkeney Hodges Research Travel Grant, University of North Carolina Greensboro Archives and Special Collections (for digitization and shooting of materials held in the archives). $1,000.
2009-2010 Media Grant. Ohio Humanities Council (for production of multimedia project Homefront Heroines). $15,000.
2009 Research Support Grant, Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University (for research in library’s collections). $1,500.
2007 Gerald E. and Corrine L. Parsons Fund Award, Library of Congress (for ethnographic research in the Library of Congress collection). $750.
Teaching Awards
2010 Miami University Teaching Excellence nominee (students recommend professors for this annual award)
2006 Dan Kimble First Year Teaching Award, University of Oregon.
Fellowships and Research Honors
2021 Diane S. Hope Book of the Year Award, Visual Communication Division, National Communication Association, Pin Up! The Subculture: Negotiating Agency, Representation, and Sexuality With Vintage Style
2018 Fellow, Virtual and Augmented Reality Digital Humanities Institute (V/AR-DHI), Duke University, Durham, NC. The fellowship included a travel stipend supported by an Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, and will be hosted by the John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute and the Wired! Lab for Digital Art History & Visual Culture.
2018 Payden Award, College of Media, Communication and Information, University of Colorado Boulder. Award comes with $20,000 funding and honored excellence in scholarship and teaching.
2016 Provost’s Faculty Achievement Award, University of Colorado Boulder. Awarded to selected faculty campus-wide.
2015-2016 Fellow, Excellence in Leadership Program, University of Colorado (systemwide).
2013, Fellow, 1st International Visual Methods Seminar: Observing and Visualizing Urban Culture, University of Antwerp.
2009 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Top Faculty/Student Co-Authored Paper (Radio Television news Division) for Teasing Out the Promos: An Analysis of Self-Promotion Strategies in Network Newscasts, refereed research session.
2008 International Communication Association Top Student Paper (Interpersonal Communication Division) and Top Interactive Poster (conference-wide) for “I Didn’t do Anything Important”: A Pragmatist Analysis of the Oral History
2006 Fellow, Columbia University Summer Institute on Oral History
Creative Work and Journalistic Awards
Homefront Heroines: The WAVES of World War II (website): 2021 Popular Culture Association Arlen Ellis Digital Research Award; 2021 BEA Festival of Media Arts, Best in Competition Interactive Multimedia and Emerging Technology—Website, Faculty Division.
Ghost Resort: 2021 Best Documentary Short (USA), Bare Bones Music and Documentary Film Festival.
Girls Like That (Pin Up 6): 2020 Best Pin Up Film, Bump’n’Grind – Film and Performance Fest, Toronto; 2019 Audience Choice Music Video, Bare Bones Independent Film Festival.
Pin Up! The Movie: 2017 Best Feature Documentary, Bare Bones Independent Film Festival; 2015 Best Documentary. Big House Los Angeles Entertainment Festival/Woman Up Film Festival.
Homefront Heroines: The WAVES of World War II: 2014 Broadcast Education Association Festival of Media Arts Award of Excellence Documentary (feature length), Faculty Division,
Backstretch: 2007 Broadcast Education Association Festival of Media Arts Award of Excellence Documentary (feature length), Student Division.
2003 CINE Awards (multiple awards received for ABC News Classroom Edition)
2001 Chris Award (SheTV)
1995 New England Emmy Nominee (Best Newscast)
1995 Associated Press Spot News award
1992 Associated Press Spot News, Feature News & General News awards
1992 NM Broadcast Association Best Newscast award
For full CV, email kathleen dot ryan at colorado dot edu