Film and Multimedia
I am increasingly fascinated with ways that immersive documentary practice can be used to deconstruct narrative. The interactive documentary world has many facets (virtual reality, augmented reality, etc.) and I intentionally use the term “immersive” as a way to distinguish my own practice, which includes both online interactive web platforms as well as social media as a form of documentary practice.
My documentary filmes and immersive projecgts are a part of my practice-based research, where I use the act of creation as a way to understand phenomena. PBR allows me the space to investigate queestions that I may not have known to ask — issues or conditions that only emerged through the act of creation.
I describe myself as a hybrid filmmaker and scholar, as comfortable in traditional platforms as I am in more experimental creative projects.
For me, hybridity isn’t just a buzz word — it is the only way I can uphold the methodological, theoretical, and ethical standards of both oral history and visual communication.
Theory and praxis merge and diverge, with the journey to some final project, which I find as interesting as the research uncovered within project itself. This process offers me the freedom to think deeply about and better understand a project or issue, informing both scholarly and journalistic practice.
Interactive Documentaries
Landscape Stories
This project merges oral histories with augmented reality, immersive online film making, and social media to tell the story of the American landscape. Recipient of a National Association of Broadcasters Pilot Innovation Grant. In production.
Pin Up! The Movie: An Interactive Documentary
Meet the global phenomenon! Spanning six continents and seven years in the making, this interactive documentary immerses you in the global world of pin up. You’ll discover the women (and men) who are making their mark on the world with vintage style. 2021.
Homefront Heroines: The WAVES of World War II
This award-winning i-doc contextualizes the story of the women who served in the Navy and Coast Guard. Produced with assistance from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Ohio Humanities Foundation, it tells of the more than 100,000 women who went where no woman had gone before: into the Navy as WAVES and into the Coast Guard as SPARs. They received equal military rank and pay as men, respect from their “regular” Navy colleagues, and did it all wearing couture-designed uniforms. 2020.
Pin Up! The Movie
Contemporary pin up girls, and the women who inspired them. Inspired by the art of Gil Elvgren and Alberto Varga, and the style sense of Marilyn Monroe and Bettie Page, the pin up is, in the words of art historian Maria Elena Buszek, “a uniquely American phenomena.” The modern pinup is enticing, captivating, independent, and omnipresent – a thoroughly 21st century woman. 2015.
Homefront Heroines: The WAVES of World War II
Through oral histories, the documentary reveals a hidden history about a generation which changed the course of American life. The women who enlisted in the Navy and Coast Guard during Worlld War II may not have realized it at the time, but they were riding on the cusp of the wave of the future. As one woman notes, they were the “hinges of history.” 2013.
Other Projects
Ghost Resort
This experimental documentary offers a haunting reflection of remorse and remembrance within the conflicting framework of “paradise.” The film’s digital manipulations of sound and image challenge conventional notions of the role of the documentary storyteller and reality. The resulting questions are posed by a reliably unreliable narrator, Moira, a digital construction with a backstory through whose “eyes” and “voice” this visual poem unfolds. Producer. 2021.
Girls Like That (Pin Up 6)
Jump into the world of swing hop and pin up culture with this award-winning music video from Devin Gatsby James, JCA Beats Productions and the team behind Pin Up! The Movie. The music video features a slew of pin ups wreaking havoc on Gatsby’s best attempts to be a swing hop sex symbol. Features Kitty Mansfield, Ruby Rydell, Dapper Dan Doll, Delicious Ruckus, Vanda Miss Paradise and more. 2018.